Double chin is something we all dread, yet one way or another we end up having one. Especially as we age, due to the skin losing it’s elasticity, we are more likely to develop this unsightly phenomenon.
Here are a few simple and inexpensive ways in which you can lose your double chin so chin up and read!
Chin Exercises
It may sound cliched but exercises do work and especially in this case, a little can go a long way. Chin exercises help tone and stretch the muscles in your face, neck and jaw and makes it easy to get rid of the problem.
Keep your spine erect and slowly tilt back your head until you can see the ceiling. Now, make a pout with your lips and hold this position for 5 seconds. Do around 5-10 reps and keep doing this several times a day. You will start seeing results in a couple of weeks.

Source: Live Strong
Wheat Germ Oil
The wheat germ oil has an abundance of vitamin E which helps nourish and tighten skin. Just massage your neck in upward direction, i.e. from your neck to your chin every night before going to bed for 10-15 minutes. Do this every night and you will start noticing a change within a few weeks.

Source: Shutterstock
Egg Whites
Generally, egg whites good skin tighteners. Whisk together two egg whites and add to them a tablespoon each of honey, lemon juice and milk. Apply this on your chin and neck area and let it dry for 30 minutes. Afterwards, wash with lukewarm water. Do this once a day for fast results.
Chewing Gum
It may sound weird but this is the best and most relied upon trick in the book. Chewing gum is actually an effective way to get rid of double chin and to also avoid getting it ever again. Chewing on a gum exercises the jaw muscles and helps to tone them resulting in eliminating the mass accumulating under your chin. Just chew on a sugar free gum several times a day!