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Here’s All you Need to Know About Age Spots

By October 13, 2018No Comments

Age spots occur as a result of excess production of melanin or skin pigment. There could be many reasons behind getting these. They are flat, brown, grey or black spots on the skin that typically occur on uncovered regions of skin.


Main Causes

Age spots are the-counter end result of an excess manufacturing of melanin, or skin pigment. Medical doctors don’t always recognize why these spots broaden. Pores and skin getting old, solar exposure, or different kinds of ultraviolet (UV) mild range , results with tanning beds, are all reasons that seem to contribute to this.

Areas at Risk

You are more likely to develop these spots on the areas of your skin that have direct exposure to sun and consequent UV rays, like:

  • Your face
  • The exposed areas of your fingers
  • Your shoulders
  • Upper body
  • And forearms

smile girl

Are you at Risk?

Human beings of any age, sex , or race can have them. The following people are at a greater risk of getting these spots though:

  • Being older than forty years old
  • Having sensitive pores and skin
  • If you have a records of common sun exposure
  • Frequent use of tanning mattresses can also cause these spots


  • Your physician may additionally prescribe bleaching creams to fade these spots step by step.
  • Bleaching lotions usually take several months to vanish age spots. You’ll want to wear sunscreen always at some point of treatment.
  • Bleaching creams make your pores and skin extra sensitive to UV damage.
  • Ask your dermatologist, plastic health care professional, or make-up counter shop clerk to advocate brands that efficiently hide age spots.

sun screen


  • Keep away from sunlight during the hours between 10 a.m. and three p.m. The sun’s rays are most strong at these times.
  • Put on a sunscreen each day.
  • Make sure to apply sun screen at least half an hour before you have to go out in the sun
  • Reapply every two hours, extra often if swimming or perspiring.