Who would have thought that one of the best product that can benefit our skin is actually in our kitchen cabinet right now? Gram flour’s benefits have been known throughout centuries. It can work absolute wonders for your skin. Let’s face it, who doesn’t want flawless skin? Especially if you can get it on a budget!
Here is how gram flour is good for your skin!
Mild Exfoliator
Besan or common gram flour will make your skin very smooth. It acts as a mild and sweet exfoliator for your skin.
Skin Allergies
It will make sure you no longer get worried about the skin allergies. This will amazingly smoothen your skin.
Oily Skin
This gram flour will work amazingly for your oily skin. By keeping the sebum and oils secretions in balance.
The daily house gram flour is great when it comes to remove or get rid of the blackheads. You can apply it on your skin by making a smooth paste. Do this practice daily or at least thrice in a week to get good results.
Dark Elbows
It is the super-efficient cleaner of your elbows. Women and both men face this problem of darkened elbows. So just take care of them by using this key kitchen ingredient.
Dark Knees
Just like your elbows, the knees are prone to get blackened. But hey do not worry! We got the perfect remedy for this problem. The gram flour will make sure you no longer worry about the ugly dark spots on your knees. For this remedy, you can take a few tablespoons of the gram flour and add in it some teaspoons of the raw milk. Mix it properly. Now apply on the skin and let it settle for some time. After that wash it by rubbing softly and using lukewarm water. Practice this habit for some days the result will be evident!